Mount Sinai
Adolescent Health Center

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By teens, for teens.

Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center (MSAHC) is one of the leading healthcare providers to teens in New York City — providing free, confidential, comprehensive and integrated care. To illuminate the patient experience, we held a user experience focus group with adolescents who have visited MSAHC. The biggest takeaway? Teens want to find the information they’re seeking as quickly as possible. They have more important things going on.

The MSAHC website is interactive and designed to make the visitor’s experience as seamless as possible. An interactive poll on the home page encourages teens to think, engage and learn about their peers. The resource-heavy Health Hub features articles broken up by different topics and a suite of custom icons (all teen-approved, of course). Plus, the site’s search function uses predictive functionality, empowering visitors to quickly find what they’re looking for without wasting any time. 

MSAHC also leads the Community Asset Mapping Initiative, where young people collect and catalog community-based services like healthcare, housing and financial aid. We brought these different services to life through an engaging, branded interactive map.

Adolescents are far too often ignored by the healthcare industry. But with their website, MSAHC is leading the charge to change that situation.

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